Motorised Damper

motorised damper

What is a Motorised Damper?

A motorised damper is an important part of any ducted reverse cycle air conditioning system.There are many different types of motorised dampers available on the market in Perth today. Gmtair air uses a high quality insulated steel motorised damper that has a steel reinforcing ring either end of the damper to give the product more strength and support. The motorised damper  is insulated externally with a 5 mm foam insulation, and also has a foam seal either side of the blade to reduce air leaks.

Motorised Damper Key Pad

Key Pad gmtair

The motorised damper key pad is the controller which controls the opening and closing of the damper.In the picture to the right you will notice a picture of the motorised damper keypad the keypad has a face place has a decal which you stick on depending on the number of zones in your home eg 1,2,3,4,. You then choose the labelling for the different zones you have selected e.g. bed/living/lounge.

Advantage Air

We also supply the Advantage Air My air motorised damper system to our regular customers and the izone system for our customers that want to pay the extra money for the lcd displays and the extra features.

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